Capillary fracture, which is among women’s major problems in particular, may occur due to various reasons. Too much standing, heat increase, long-term sitting by hanging feet, some medications used and many other reasons may cause varicose veins and capillary cracks. This kind of capillary fractures are also common on the face. These problems are solved by the treatment of capillaries on the face. With this laser device, oxygen and iron bearing structures inside the blood in the veins are targeted. Laser is fired on the vessels with the laser device, which destroys the problematic veins through the heat emitted by laser. The residues of the destroyed veins are excreted by the body. This method is effective in varicose veins up to 4 mm in size. Capillary fracture or varicose veins are due to the inability of the veins to fulfill their duties. The inability of the veins to carry the blood effectively to the heart causes the formation of varicose veins in many parts of the body with the effect of gravity.